Anthropology Language & Culture

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Anthropology Language & Culture da Mind Map: Anthropology Language & Culture

1. Chapter 6 Models of communication

1.1. "1940’s model of communication five components: • The sender (source) • The message • The channel • The receiver (destination) • The effect"

2. Chapter 7 life with languages

2.1. "Language acquisition device (LAD)-An inborn capacity of children to acquire their mother tongue without any formal attempt to teach it to them. Children are born with capacity for language or genetically built-in “core grammar” (1986). “Poverty of stimulus” (PS) Loose ideas about language Fragments of language Incorrect pronunciation Even with PS children learn Language."

3. Chapter 8 Language through time

3.1. "Language is recognized and investigated using the two following approaches. Synchronic approach-Dealing with linguistic phenomena as they exist at a specific point in time (that is, without regard for historical antecedents)(387). Diachronic approach dealing with linguistic phenomena as they occur over time (that is considering their historical development) (179)."

4. Chapter 9 Language in variation

4.1. Idiolects and dialects

5. Chapter 10 Ethnography Linguistic

5.1. speech community and related concepts