A mall's setting is one that changes depending on the time.

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A mall's setting is one that changes depending on the time. da Mind Map: A mall's setting is one that changes depending on the time.

1. I. Morning

1.1. Abundance of the elderly

1.1.1. They have more free time at this age

1.2. School

1.2.1. Less children and teenagers

1.2.2. Some college students present

1.3. Adults that go alone

1.3.1. Jobs/Work Stay-at-home Day-off

2. II. Afternoon

2.1. Teenagers

2.1.1. School is over for the day

2.2. Parents

2.2.1. Going after work

2.2.2. More children are being brought with their parents

2.3. Presence of older people decreases

2.3.1. Majority of them leave before noon

3. III. Evening

3.1. Groups

3.1.1. The amount of people increases noticeably People are more likely to go in bigger groups of friends or family

3.2. More teenagers than ever

3.2.1. Transforms mall into a more social setting

3.3. Less parents with younger children

3.3.1. Young children tire at this time