The Crucible: Act 3

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The Crucible: Act 3 da Mind Map: The Crucible: Act 3

1. Questions

1.1. 5.)How many times is the word, lie, mentioned in act 3. Do include different word forms and synonyms of lie. Create tally.

1.1.1. Answer: 35

1.2. 6.) In act 3, who is actually lying and who is telling the truth? Give one example.

1.2.1. Answer: Abigail and the girls is lying about seeing spirits. All the people who were accused are telling the truth because they have not took part in witchcraft and John is telling the truth when he confesses to adultery although Abigail denies.

1.3. 7.) A crucible is a ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures. a.) In act 3, who is creating the high temperature and who is being melted away? b.) What happens when a person(s) is being pressured or being subjected to high temperatures? c.) Are there any characters in Act 3 that have not melted?

1.3.1. Answer: a.) Abigail and the girls are creating high temperature. The judges also create high pressure when they question the people and try to get the truth. The ones being melted away are the people of Salem who were accused and John Proctor because of his confession. b.) When people are being pressured, some, for example Abigail and the girls, they stay firm and stick with their stories. However, when the people who were accused are being questioned, they confess to witchcraft although they haven't really took part in it. c.) Abigail and the girls have not melted because they still keep on going along with their lies.


3. Vocabulary

3.1. Concealment

3.1.1. Definition:To hide.

3.1.2. Synonyms;Blind , Disguise

3.1.3. Sentence in text: "Nurse, Your Honor. I’ll not conceal it, my hand shakes yet as with a wound! I pray you, sir, this argument let lawyers present to you"(100).

3.2. Decieve

3.2.1. Definition: cause someone to believe something that is not true

3.2.2. Synonyms: trick, mislead

3.2.3. Sentence from text: "Excellency, I never thought to say it to such a weighty judge, but you are deceived"(87).

3.3. Guile

3.3.1. Definition: clever, to use tricks to deceive people

3.3.2. synonyms : cunning intelligence

3.3.3. Sentence: "But if she speak true, I bid you now drop your guile and confess your pretense, for a quick confession will go easier with you." (102)

3.4. Pretense

3.4.1. Definiton : an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.

3.4.2. Two Synonyms: putting on a act , make-believe

3.4.3. Sentence used in text: "But if she speak true, I bid you now drop your guile and confess your pretense, for a quick confession will go easier with you." (102)

3.5. What do all of these words have in common?

3.5.1. Answer: They all lead to being dishonest .