Education Technology Frameworks

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Education Technology Frameworks da Mind Map: Education Technology Frameworks

1. 21st Century Learning

1.1. Foundational Knowledge

1.1.1. Content core Facts, dates, names, etc

1.1.2. Information literacy and digital literacy How to achieve online tasks, such as research and finding sources

1.1.3. Cross disciplinary Using skills from one dimension in another

1.2. Meta Knowledge

1.2.1. Problem solving and critical thinking Interpreting and inquring to gain understanding in the classroom

1.2.2. Communications and Collaborations Listening, sharing ideas and building solutions with peers

1.2.3. Creativity Applying skills in new and unique ways

1.3. Humanistic Knowledge

1.3.1. Life and job skills Time and resource management, mental and physical organization

1.3.2. Cultural Competance Collaborating using, and appreciating, diversity and other perspectives

1.3.3. Ethical and emotional awareness Intuition and understanding for peers

2. Philosophy of Teachnology

2.1. Beliefs about how technology can be used in your current teaching practices

2.1.1. To foster these, teachers create professional growth plans


3.1. Pedagogical Knowledge

3.1.1. The teaching methods - for example, classroom management, lesson planning, assessment strategies, etc.

3.2. Content Knowledge

3.2.1. The subject - this is 'what' you are teaching - for example, what happened when European missionaries landed in Canada, or what the 3 different families of rocks are.

3.3. Technological Knowledge

3.3.1. Knowing how technology will help effectively teach the content of the lesson - for example, using mindmeister to collect information from sources, or using GoAnimate as a creative assignment rather than a report.


4.1. Transformation

4.1.1. Redefinition Allows for the creation of new, otherwise impossible, tasks. Supports collaboration and communication, and is student centered approach.

4.1.2. Modification Allows for significant technological redesign and functional improvement. 'Modifies' a lesson to extend student engagement and understanding

4.2. Enhancement

4.2.1. Augmentation Directly substitutes another classroom tool, with functional improvement like immediate feedback or heightened choices.

4.2.2. Substitution Directly substitutes another classroom tool, with no functional improvement - sometimes there are benefits, but it is teacher centered and really only provides a chance to switch up the routine.