Role of Teacher Librarians

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Role of Teacher Librarians da Mind Map: Role of Teacher Librarians

1. Experiment with new technologies. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

1.1. Check out

2. Find materials that compliment and enrich written text

3. Be reflective: Are my programs working?

4. Encourage critical thinking skills

5. Provide professional development opportunities to colleagues on new resources

6. Provide regular updates to staff on new resources

7. Collaborate with staff to create enriching activities for students.

8. Sustain kids interests in reading

9. Encourage administration to get on board with new programs and technologies

10. Provide access to information for ALL kids

11. Create a network of supporters. (Librarians @ other schools, local libraries, national libraries/organizations)

12. Provide the resources that people want and need

13. Regularly evaluate the functionality of the Library and its resources

14. Be aware of cultural differences and find materials that celebrate those cultures

15. Learn from the kids -- what are they currently using on the Internet? What are their interests?

16. Be an active participant in moving the library forward (e.g. Creative Commons)

17. Take risks and be creative

18. Continue professional development to learn the latest technology, programming, terminology