Crabbe's Personality

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Crabbe's Personality da Mind Map: Crabbe's Personality

1. Weak: "I was tall and gangly" (34)

1.1. This quote means that crabbe by what he is saying is that he is mentally weak.

2. Smoker: "I like smoking-enough to balance the risk." (12)

2.1. This quote means that crabbe likes smoke because it helps him get over situations quickly.

3. Adventurous: "I drove off the main highway about an hour before dawn" (39)

3.1. This quote proves that crabbe is adventurous because he has the guts to just "Shut up and drive"

4. Alcoholic: "Father i told you if i ever caught you drinking again..." (29)

5. Confused:"I've thought a lot about why I ran away from home." (18)

5.1. This quote is an example of confusion because he does not know how he feels.