Physical Activity

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Physical Activity da Mind Map: Physical Activity

1. Physical Benefits

1.1. Heart becomes stronger.

1.1.1. Reduces chance of cancers

1.2. Helps you run faster

1.2.1. Encouragement to run marathons and more

1.3. Helps you increase stamina

1.3.1. Run more Encouragement to run marathons and more

2. Mental Benefits

2.1. Reduces stress

2.1.1. Helps focus on organisation and business

2.2. Improves Self Confidence

2.2.1. Encouragement to run marathons and more

2.3. Lets you see the out-doors

2.3.1. See whats happening to the world

3. Social Benefits

3.1. You are more attractive

3.1.1. Helps social position

3.2. Reduces isolation so you can go out and make friends

3.2.1. Have more fun with friends Sports and games