Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability da Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Reliability “Does the test yield the same or similar score rankings consistently?” (Kubiszyn, & Borich, 2013

2. Test-retest reliability is a statistical technique used to estimate components of measurement error by repeating the measurement process on the same subjects, under conditions as similar as possible, and comparing the observations.

3. Alternate form- This method is convenient to avoid the problems that come from the test-retest method.

4. Internal Consistency- a measure of reliability of different survey items intended to measure the same characteristic.

5. Validity “Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure? (Kubiszyn, & Borich, 2013)

6. Content Validity - how well a test measures the behavior for which it is intended

7. Construct Validity - the ability of a measurement tool (e.g., a survey, test, etc) to actually measure the psychological concept being studied.

8. Criterion- Related Validity -Criterion-related validity looks at the relationship between a test score and an outcome.