![Mind Map: Scuola XP References](https://www.mindmeister.com/image/xlarge/3564134425/mind-map-scuola-xp-references.png)
1. Fare la cosa giusta
1.1. User Story Mapping
1.1.1. Jeff Patton
1.2. EventStorming
1.3. Gojko Adzic
1.3.1. Impact Mapping
1.3.2. Specification By Example
2. Teamwork
2.1. Peopleware
2.1.1. Costo delle interruzioni
2.1.2. Promossi a team leader e poi?
2.2. Agile Software Development - the cooperative game
2.2.1. Alistair Cockburn hexagonal architecture
2.2.2. Information Radiators
2.2.3. Comunicazione
2.3. Henrik Kniberg
2.3.1. Lean from the trenches Real life practices real boards
2.3.2. Scrum & XP from the trenches
3. Pair Programming
3.1. Code Retreats
3.1.1. Corey Haines
3.2. The Art of Agile Development
3.2.1. James Shore
4. Retrospettive
4.1. Agile Retrospectives
4.1.1. Esther Derby
4.1.2. Diana Larsen
4.1.3. Retrospective Formats Starfish Timeline Mad/sad/glad
4.2. Pat Kua
4.2.1. Retrospectives Handbook
5. extreme programming
5.1. Extreme Programming explained
6. Stime
6.1. Prima
6.1.1. Software Estimation, demistyfing the black art McConnell Cone of uncertainty
6.2. Durante
6.2.1. Agile Estimation & Planning Mike Cohn
6.3. The Pomodoro Technique
6.3.1. Francesco Cirillo #Inventore
6.3.2. Staffan Noteberg #librobello
6.4. NoEstimates
6.4.1. Vasco Duarte
6.4.2. No Estimates
7. TDD
7.1. Growing Object Oriented Software guided by tests
7.1.1. Steve Freeman
7.1.2. Nat Pryce
7.1.3. walking Skeleton
7.2. Test Driven Development by Example
7.2.1. Kent Beck
7.2.2. Red Green Refactor
7.3. Working Effectively with Legacy Code
7.3.1. Michael Feathers
8. Codice
8.1. Robert C. Martin
8.1.1. Clean Code Simple Design
8.1.2. The Clean Coder
8.1.3. Agile Software - Development Principles, Patterns, and Practices SOLID principles
8.2. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
8.2.1. Martin Fowler
8.3. Software Craftmanship
9. Architetture
9.1. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
9.1.1. Martin Fowler
9.1.2. Reference Architecture(s)
9.2. Implementing Domain-Driven Design
9.2.1. Vaughn Vernon