Postsecondary Education

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Postsecondary Education da Mind Map: Postsecondary Education

1. Junior College

1.1. Similar to Community College, but it's private.

1.1.1. This can be apply to vocational training beacause it's a private school, it offer a wide variety of training options and some techinal

2. Undergraduate degree

2.1. The Associate - AA, AS, AAS.

2.2. And barchelas degree

3. Graduate degree

3.1. Master degree and doctoral degree


4.1. Private school are more expensive tuition, it's rely on fees, endowments, and other private sources.

4.2. Public schools are less expensive, they got their money from state and local goverment.

5. Distance Ed.

5.1. short professional way course to graduate

6. Colleges

6.1. a four years college to get a bachelor's degree

7. Univeristy

7.1. 2-4 years, grants bachelor's and master's degrees, focus more on scholarly or scientific research

8. Community

8.1. 2 years college, 18 or older, must have school diploma and must have a certain GPA.

9. ACT & SAT

9.1. It is designed to test the students knowledge in basic areas such as math, science, English and social studies. Colleges may require your score


10.1. Free Application for Federal Student Aid. State and government plan which include loans money,college work study. Also room and board

11. Tuition

11.1. amount paid for each hours for credits