Post-Secondary Option

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Post-Secondary Option da Mind Map: Post-Secondary Option

1. Public University

1.1. University of Iowa

1.2. Sponsered by the goverment

1.3. University of Northern Iowa

2. Public and Private Universities look at your ACT scores to get accepted. Some look at your SAT scores as well.

3. FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid

3.1. It's a form of Financial Aid that helps you financially through college.

3.2. Tuition is money charged from a type of teaching.

3.3. You pay for Room and Board in college - paying for food and where you're living at.

3.4. You can have some type of vocational (employment) also

4. Private University

4.1. BVU

4.2. Not Operated by the goverment

4.3. William Penn University

5. Community College

5.1. 2 year programs

5.2. General Education

5.3. Iowa Central Community College

6. Many different types of degrees :)

6.1. Doctorate Degree

6.1.1. They can teach at a University Level or hold any position he or she would like

6.2. Master's Degree

6.2.1. A very high degree that shows that you've above what you wanted to major in

6.3. Bachelor's Degree

6.3.1. Showing you've completed undergraduate studies

6.4. Associate's Degree

6.4.1. It's an undergraduate academic degree

6.5. Graduate and Undergraduate Degree

6.5.1. Majoring in professional degrees

6.5.2. Shows you've completed all undergraduate corses