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Sex Education da Mind Map: Sex Education

1. Teen Pregnacy

1.1. Short term Goals

1.1.1. Can not participate in certain activities (college, jobs, physical activity)

1.1.2. Impact on money

1.1.3. Stress

1.2. Long term goals

1.2.1. Impact on relationships (friends, family, intimate others, public)

1.2.2. Impact on self

1.2.3. taking care of kids

1.2.4. Education

1.3. Causes

1.3.1. teenage girls searching for love and attention

1.3.2. low self esstem

1.3.3. Peer presure

1.4. How media influences

1.4.1. cell phones help connect with partner

1.4.2. social networking influnces others decisions

1.4.3. Tv shows like teen mom and 16 and pregnant

1.5. Concerns

1.5.1. pregnacy is becoming a trend

1.5.2. % of teenager pregnat rising

2. Attitudes Towars Sex

2.1. Maturity

2.1.1. Social

2.1.2. Physical

2.2. Responsibility

2.3. Awarenes

3. Contraceptives

3.1. Condoms

3.1.1. Male

3.1.2. Female

3.2. Vasectomy

3.3. The Pill

3.4. Injections

3.5. Not having Sex

4. STD'S

4.1. HPV

4.2. Gonorrhea

4.3. Hepatite B

4.4. HIV

4.5. Herpes

4.6. Scabies

4.7. Crabs