Tamara Pearce Academic Skills Adviser

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Tamara Pearce Academic Skills Adviser da Mind Map: Tamara Pearce  Academic Skills Adviser

1. Demonstrated experience in the development and delivery of innovative learning support services in an academic or tertiary environment to students with diverse backgrounds.

1.1. Part of Study Solutions Delivery Team

1.2. Part of ASA Service Delivery Team

1.3. Development and delivery of 2014 Study Solutions Training, facilitation of PD for GP Study Solutions team in 2013

1.4. ASA clients with disabilities, CALD, various issues all supported with same respect, enthusiasm and compassion

1.5. MyQUTDraft

1.6. Working with SEF ALLs staff to develop opportunities for collaboration in supporting CALD students by embedding relevant resources

1.7. Attendance at QUT Support for Learning COP meetings

1.8. Experience developing and delivering learning experiences to students in both primary and secondary schools, and tertiary environments, including learning support and special needs students. Worked in both the public and independent systems across several states, including working with ESL (including refugees with complex backgrounds), ASD, II, DS, ADHD, LD, G&T and other diverse students.

1.9. Rainbow Families Story Time @ QUT LIbrary, presentation at ALIA Conference and paper in pipeline for publication

1.10. Part of L&T Grant Application project team for ENB318

1.11. Trial of facilitated writing circles in new SEF Honours program

2. Demonstrated understanding of pedagogical models and best practices in student learning experiences, transition, assessment, curriculum design and learning support

2.1. Use of PES to improve my own teaching practice and to model best practice to both academic staff and other Library staff

2.2. Use of innovative pedagogies in both SEF Liaison work and generic teaching including inquiry based learning, flipped classroom, active learning, blended delivery and peer review as pedagogy. Pedagogical practice based on professional knowledge and recent research in the field.

2.3. Contribution to SEF course redevelopment at all stages (through FAB, CSRG etc and in development and implementation of courses)

2.4. Assessment redesign and embedding of appropriate Academic Skills, Information Literacy and information about Learning Support for ENB318

2.5. Bachelor of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) Deakin University GPA 6.5

2.6. ST01 and SEF Honours development work - examples can be provided

2.6.1. This work will most likely also lead to scholarship opportunities, either on my own or in collaboration with SELT team members

3. Demonstrated knowledge of pedagogical principles that guide effective use of technology in learning and teaching with well developed IT skills and a wide knowledge of software that facilitates the effective delivery of student centred learning support in online environments.

3.1. See Vox Pop with SEF Staff in BB Sandpit unit

3.2. See learning resources in BB Sandpit unit

3.3. See learning resources in SEB400, SEB401 Learning Modules

3.4. ST01 Review workshop delivered to SEF academics after Sem1 2013.

3.5. Contributed to scoping of delivery of Study Solutions via Skype/BB Collaborate

3.6. Experience delivering AQF/VET Qualifications embedded within QLD Secondary IT Curriculum

3.7. IT industry experience in both the government and private sectors has given me extensive IT skills, advanced knowledge of a wide range of software and the ability to quickly learn new software which allows me to design and develop a wide range of learning resources and students centred learning support in an online or blended environment

4. Demonstrated evidence of high quality teaching delivery and resource creation in learning support areas.

4.1. Study Smart refresh

4.2. Development of generic resources to support SEF units

4.2.1. Six Hats Thinking

4.2.2. Resource Evalutation

4.2.3. Writing (in several genres, tailored to units)

4.3. Use of PES to continuously improve teaching practice in generic and embedded learning support situations

4.4. Teaching in SEF Honours courses

4.5. Facilitating writing circles for SEF Honours students

4.6. Developing video content for Study Well and embedding in SEF or other units

4.7. ENB318 teaching

5. Demonstrated team work and networking skills, especially the ability to work collaboratively with professional, academic and administrative staff

5.1. See feedback from staff in BB Sandpit unit

5.2. SEF staff are now directly contacting me for support

5.3. SELT staff refer SEF Academics to me for support

5.4. Contribution to L&R Planning Day, Revitaliser and SEF Team Planning process for 2014

5.5. I am aware of my own limitations and also aware that my ideas may not be the only or best way to solve a problem and am happy to seek the advice or input of others from different areas within or external to my own organisation.

5.6. Attendance at a range of SEF school meetings, curriculum development team meetings for various new courses

5.7. Evangelical academic staff in SEF promoting my support/skills/services to others after positive experiences working with me

5.8. Volunteers for TILS Desk, Schools Program and other engagement activities

5.9. Broad industry experience including ADF, IT Industry, Education Sector and Not-for-Profit Community Group

6. Excellent oral and written communication skills, demonstrated ability to work independently and flexibly in a changing environment, and to produce deliverables within specified time

6.1. Varuna Eric Dark Flagship Fellowship for non-fiction writing

6.2. Australian Society of Authors Mentorship recipient

6.3. Excellent presentations skills, both with preparation and without when neccesary

6.3.1. See student feedback in BB Sandpit unit

6.4. ADT&L Reports and other data based reporting and practcie

6.5. Seen as available, responsive and supportive by faculty staff and students.

6.6. Willing to vary work hours within constraints of family obligations to meet needs of student and ensure service delivery

6.7. Always on time or ahead of time for deliverables

6.8. Enjoys freedom to work in professional environment, with collegial support and collaboration and keep supervisors and service owners informed of activities.

6.9. Willing to seek advice regarding liaison/support or other working relationships and how to manage them from BLM

6.10. Written and spoken advocacy via Rainbow Families Qld