I can lend a Hand

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I can lend a Hand da Mind Map: I can lend a Hand

1. Home

1.1. Sibingings

1.1.1. Being nice to them

1.1.2. Helping Owen with homework

1.1.3. video taping for Sophie's homework.

1.2. Parents

1.2.1. Helping them cook

1.2.2. Organising their computer

1.2.3. Cleaning our house

1.2.4. Taking bear for a walk

1.3. Neriza

1.3.1. Donating too small clothes to her church

1.3.2. Giving her food

1.3.3. Giving her a job

1.3.4. Giving her a place to sleep

1.3.5. Recycling

2. Outside

2.1. Helping peoples feelings

2.1.1. Saying HI!

2.2. Going to willing hearts with my family

3. Umbrella terms

3.1. disrespect

3.1.1. Metta school kids are there because they have a mental disability and normal schools wont let them in.

3.2. Sanitation

3.2.1. ISF helps that because they clean the kids and get doctors to check that the kids are healthy.

3.3. Security

3.3.1. At Green umbrella they have no parents so when they are living at a really nice homeless kids schools they feel more secure.

3.4. Disadvantsge

3.5. Racism

3.6. Education

3.7. Disability

3.8. Inequality

3.9. Poverty

3.10. Conservation/protection

3.11. Abandoment

3.12. Child Labour

3.13. Difficulties

3.14. Suffering

4. School

4.1. Service

4.1.1. Swim 4 life

4.1.2. ISF

4.1.3. Metta school

4.1.4. Ever green

4.1.5. Epic arts Workshop Music lesson

4.1.6. Willing hearts

4.1.7. Bali bridges

4.1.8. Green umbrella

4.2. Classroom

4.2.1. Compost people

4.2.2. Sally

4.3. Activities

4.3.1. Gardening

4.3.2. Helping in the infant school I played with the young kids

4.4. Fund raising

4.4.1. ISF Bake sale I brought in mini cupcakes to sell

4.4.2. Green umbrella bake sale I brought in brownies to sell

4.4.3. Swim 4 Life

4.4.4. ISF Pizza sale I collected peoples coupons

4.4.5. Surf aid I swam 57 Laps and got lots of money

4.4.6. Walkathon

4.5. School helping

4.5.1. Philiphines Clothes donation