Steve Jobs

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Steve Jobs da Mind Map: Steve Jobs

1. People who have influenced his life

1.1. Paul's father, Steve, helped turn him into a perfectionist.

1.2. Steve Wozniak, helped create apple, years after I leave

1.3. Robert Noyce was a father figure to Jobs right when catapulted Apple to be a successful venture.

1.4. Laurene Powell, wife of Steve Jobs 20 years

1.5. Bill Gates was the last opponent of Jobs

1.6. Bill Campbell, a co-director resigned to enter Congress

1.7. Ed Woolard brought Steve Jobs back to Apple

1.8. Jony Ive was the best friend of Jobs at Apple

1.9. Al Alcorn hired Steve Jobs at Atari

1.10. Robert Friedland helped influence the brand "Apple"

1.11. ike Markkula was Apple's first investor

1.12. John Lasseter and Jobs forever changed animated films

1.13. Bob Dylan was the artistic model Jobs

2. apple products

2.1. Ipad

2.2. Ipod Touch

2.3. Imac

2.4. Macbook

2.5. Ipod nano

2.6. Iphone

2.7. Time capsule

2.8. Macintosh 1

2.9. Lisa

3. Important dates

3.1. 24/2/1955

3.1.1. The birth of Steve Jobs

3.2. 1972

3.2.1. He enters in the University Reed College

3.3. 1976

3.3.1. Apple company is created

3.4. 1984

3.4.1. Jobs introduces the Macintosh to a wildly enthusiastic audience The first of its range

3.5. September 17, 1985,

3.5.1. Steve Jobs was fired from the company he had founded.

3.6. 1985

3.6.1. Jobs founded NeXT Inc. with $7 million

3.7. 1986

3.7.1. Jobs bought The Graphics Group (Pixar) for the price of $10 million

3.8. 1995

3.8.1. The first movie made ​​only with computer Toy Story

3.9. 1996

3.9.1. Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for $427 million

3.10. October 23, 2001

3.10.1. It goes on sale the first ipod

3.11. June 29, 2007

3.11.1. Apple entered the cellular phone business with the introduction of the iPhone

3.12. April 3, 2010

3.12.1. The first iPad

3.13. 5/10/11