Snow Leopard/ Ounce

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Snow Leopard/ Ounce da Mind Map: Snow Leopard/ Ounce

1. Overview/ Basic facts

1.1. Category/ Type

1.1.1. Mammal/ Felidae

1.2. Other name

1.2.1. Panthera Uncia

1.3. Population

1.3.1. Between 3,500 and 7,000 in the wild

1.4. Heigt/ Size

1.4.1. Between 1,8 and 2,3 meters

1.5. Weight

1.5.1. Between 35 and 55kg

1.6. Diet

1.6.1. They eat meat; They are carnivorous

1.7. Lifespan

1.7.1. In captivity they can live 21 years

2. Habitat/ Range

2.1. Snow Leopard are found in mountains of Himalaya: China, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakhistan, Afghanistan, Russia and Mongolia

3. Interesting facts

3.1. Snow Leopard has green or gray eyes where as normaly big felines like lion or tiger have yellow or gold eyes.

4. Status

4.1. Endangered: They need us in order to survive. If we don't do anything, they will become extinct.

5. Threats

5.1. -It is killed by farmers because they eat their farm -It is snared by poachers for their bones, fur and other body parts -Their prey are disapearing

6. Action

6.1. -You can give money for help ounce -WWF try to stop illegal poaching and illegal trade

7. By Floflo and Maëva