Class Research Ideas

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Class Research Ideas da Mind Map: Class Research Ideas

1. Internet Security

1.1. Marco Civil about security of information on the internet in Brazil

1.2. Why must this be created?

1.3. Who spies on who?

1.4. How important is data security?

1.5. Who ensures that our information is safe on the internet?

2. World Cup

3. Agronomy

3.1. Transgenic Farming

3.2. GMOs

3.2.1. What countries use this technology?

3.2.2. When did this technology start? 15 years ago?

3.2.3. Genetic Security What happens if this gene gets out of control? Corn example: How many ancestral species have GMOs in pollen?

3.2.4. Is it good for health?

3.2.5. Labeling of GMOs

3.2.6. Interests of Corporations

3.3. Agriculture

3.3.1. Crops

3.3.2. Soil

3.3.3. Plant nutrition

3.4. Biotechnology

3.4.1. Applied to Quality Control of Seeds

3.5. Plant Breeding

3.5.1. Beans

3.5.2. Coffee

3.5.3. Corn

3.5.4. Soybeans

3.6. PCR Techniques

3.7. Market

3.7.1. New perspectives of agricultural market

3.7.2. Current Market

3.8. Corn Crops

3.8.1. Transgenic Seeds

3.8.2. Current production

3.8.3. Future of corn crop

3.9. Seed Technology

3.9.1. Hybrid Seeds

3.9.2. Food Safety New products

4. Civil Engineering

4.1. materials

4.2. topography

4.2.1. What kind of road is better for this land?

4.2.2. What is the best route?

4.2.3. Landfill ou cut?

4.3. soils

4.3.1. What kinds of materials are better?

4.3.2. Is road construction possible?

4.4. roads

4.4.1. Main use

4.4.2. Economic interest

4.5. urbanization

4.6. economy

4.7. sustainability

4.7.1. How can I build without / with the lowest threat to the environment? capture and reuse of water sun/wind energy reuse of spoilage

4.8. urban planning

4.8.1. Mobility

4.8.2. Facilities

4.8.3. Quality of Life

4.9. hydraulics

4.10. Problems

4.10.1. Prejudice Against Women

4.11. Internship

4.12. Work Area

4.12.1. Materials

4.12.2. Structures

4.12.3. Sustainability

4.12.4. Roads

5. Information Technology

5.1. Information Security

5.2. Surveillance

6. Protests in Brazil

6.1. Increase in Public Transportation Rates

7. WIU

7.1. WESL

7.1.1. Classes Speaking Research Integrated Skills Writing Reading

7.1.2. Extra Activities

7.2. What activities for agronomy?

7.3. Academic Classes

7.4. Internship

8. Brazil

8.1. Missing Home

8.1.1. Family

8.1.2. Friends

8.1.3. Food

8.2. News

9. Traveling

9.1. USA

9.1.1. New York

9.1.2. California

9.1.3. Hawaii

9.1.4. Las Vegas

9.1.5. Chicago

9.1.6. Miani

10. WIU

10.1. Civil Engineering

10.1.1. Areas of Research

10.1.2. Academic Classes

10.2. WESL

10.2.1. English Classes

11. Blogs

11.1. Stay in the United States

11.2. Travel Experience

12. Gym

12.1. Exercise

13. UFLA

13.1. Academic Classes

13.2. Internship

13.2.1. Laboratory analysis of seed

13.3. Congress

13.4. Graduation