Jesse Jackson

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Jesse Jackson da Mind Map: Jesse Jackson

1. Jesse jackson childhood

1.1. '' and Education. Jesse Louis Burns was born October 8, 1941, in Greensville, South Carolina. His mother, Helen Burns, was 16; his father, Noah Louis Robinson, was a former professional boxer and a married man''

1.1.1. Jesse jackson had a very well cared for family. His dad was a pretty cool man and his mother too. Jesse Jackson had a very good education and was born in a small town.

2. “In his quest for social, racial and economic justice, Rev. Jesse Jackson has been civil rights activist.''

2.1. ''presidential candidate, and international hostage negotiator''

2.1.1. While, he went to a collage in ''North Carolina Agricultural & Technical College''

3. Jesse Jackson also helped protesters.

3.1. And was a part of the presidential candidate as well.

3.1.1. He helped many people.

4. Another thing Jesse did was he met with Martin Luther King, Jr. in the year of 1965.

4.1. " in 1965, met Martin Luther King, Jr. and joined the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). By 1966 Jackson had become head of the Chicago Chapter of SCLC's Operation Breadbasket.''