Technology Management

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Technology Management da Mind Map: Technology Management

1. Action Points

1.1. Create a rough draft of a technology rotation/refreshment plan

1.2. Collaborate with group members to edit and finalize ideas in the plan.

1.3. Complete final proof reading of all parts of project before submitting.

1.4. Complete all research

2. Prioritize Ideas

2.1. Complete research

2.2. synthesize ideas with group

2.3. create and finalize a tech plan

2.4. complete rubric/check list

2.5. Create final presentation

2.6. Check wiki, mind map, and presentation for errors and make sure all links are working.

3. Policy

3.1. Goals

3.1.1. Goal 1

3.1.2. Goal 2

3.2. Rules

3.2.1. Session Rule 1

3.2.2. Session Rule 2

3.2.3. Session Rule 2

3.3. Define Problems

3.4. Capture Ideas

3.5. Prioritize Ideas

3.6. Define Action Points

4. Problem

4.1. Should all technology be up for replacement year round? Or only some pieces strategically evaluated on a set schedule? cc

4.2. What items should be included hardware, software and miscellaneous (i.e. Copier)? ns

4.3. What should be included in a rotation cycle?

4.4. How will replacement and upkeep be funded?

4.5. Who will be in charge of creating the policy?

4.6. Who will in charge of carrying out the policy in the longterm?

5. Soulutions

5.1. Hardware ns

5.1.1. Computers ns Desktop ns Laptop ns

5.1.2. Other Mobile Devices ns

5.1.3. Tablets ns

5.1.4. Mouses dp

5.1.5. Smartphones dp

5.1.6. Printers dp

5.2. Software ns

5.2.1. Is this part necessary? Most software updates regularly. ns

5.2.2. Downloads from online dp

5.2.3. Apps needed? dp Usability? dp User friendly? dp Versatility? dp

5.2.4. Links? dp

5.2.5. Copyright and licensure issues? dp

5.3. Miscellaneous ns

5.3.1. Copiers ns

5.3.2. Scanners ns

5.3.3. Check Out Stations ns

5.4. Strategic Planning

5.4.1. Issue of money?

5.4.2. Technology changes rapidly

5.4.3. Personnel dp

5.4.4. Training on new equipment dp Space for training? dp Money for training? dp Time for training? dp

5.4.5. Physical space dp Storage area? dp Shelving needs? dp Security needs? dp Area to dispense technology items? dp

5.4.6. Security needs for technology items? dp