Dragonwings Leanne Bolen and Chris Chun

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Dragonwings Leanne Bolen and Chris Chun da Mind Map: Dragonwings                                         Leanne Bolen and Chris Chun

1. Charachterization

1.1. Indirect Charachterization

1.1.1. Speech The demons use clubs as big as trees, and they kick you and do worse things if you are from the Tang and you do the wrong thing. This shows that the author This shows that the narrator is curious and that he always likes to ask questions about this grandfather

1.1.2. Thoughts Moon Shadow always asks questions when he doesn't know what they are talking about or when he is thinking in his mind like When Uncle called his father Windrider Moon Shadow said" That's not your name and his father said" It is now." This shows that Moon Shadow is always curious about everything he doesn't know about

1.1.3. Effects On Other The demons use clubs as big as trees, and they kick you and do worse things if you are from the Tang and you do the wrong thing. This shows that the author indirectly shows that the demons are very brutal to the tang people.

1.1.4. Actions Black Dog jabbed his knee into Moon Shadows stomach and pressed the knife point against my throat. The author indirectly shows that the actions that Black Dog's actions are bad.

1.2. Direct Charachterization

1.2.1. Moon shadow loved to help his dad build kites. This shows how Moon Shadow loves to help his Dad and that they like to bond with each other

2. Theme

2.1. Racism

2.1.1. Tang People The tang people called the white people the white demons

2.1.2. White Demons White people say mean things about the tang people

3. Tone

3.1. Thoughtful

3.1.1. Moonshadow helps when the fire hit the town

3.1.2. Moon shadows dad was thoughtful when he asked moon shadow to help build the kite.

3.1.3. Moonshadows dad was thought full when he took his son places with him instead of leaving him.