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Atticus da Mind Map: Atticus

1. He acts very caring as seen throughout the book because he is a father. He is always caring about his children as shown when he is worried about them going to the Radly House as he instructs them to not go there again for their on safety

2. Looks Like

2.1. never described in much detail

2.2. he wears glasses and a suit most days

2.3. Neat hair and tall

3. Acts Like

3.1. Atticus is very opened minded as through-out the book he is willing to give people a shot for example Tom Robinson as he would be a person that would not be defended easily but because Atticus is so opened minded he was able to give Tom a chance and reveal the injustice in the town

4. Textual Issues or Concerned

4.1. Atticus is concerned about how the legal system has many flaws and isn't giving everyone a fair trial

4.2. He cares for the fate of Tom Robinson . He is concerned that he will go to jail (which he does).

4.3. He is concerned about how his decisions will influence how his children are treated through out the town

5. Beliefs and Values

5.1. Atticus believes that all people are equal, and he even says that he loves all people which in includes slaves.

5.2. he believes everyone deserves a chance to prove there good, even if there are negative rumors around them

6. Motivated By

6.1. He is motivated by his job, which is trying put away the bad people and make sure that the good people are free, doing this gives Atticus a sense of achievement because he knows that he is done something well and he is setting a good example for his children

6.2. his children, he is motivated to be a good role model and teach his children the ways he has learnt

7. How Other See Him

7.1. Most of the people around town see him as a person who does not follow the rest of the beliefs, like how Miss Dubose said that what he was doing "defending them niggers" was wrong because at that time slavery was not abolished.

7.2. his sister Alexandra sees him as a threat to the family's good name around Maycomb. She sees him as a nigger lover

7.3. Although a lot of people do not agree with his ways in the town he is described as the bravest man in the town of Maycomb because he stood up against what was wrong and put his family and his reputation on the line all to sacrifice for what was right..