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Dribbble.com da Mind Map: Dribbble.com

1. Price

1.1. Team account

1.1.1. 3 membs: $100/year

1.1.2. 8 membs: $200/year

1.1.3. 20 membs: $400/year

1.2. Pro account: 20$/year

2. Competitors

2.1. Behance

2.1.1. Wide field: drawings, photographs, architecture, and a ton of other design related things.

2.1.2. Complex in using

2.1.3. Have less chance to be shown in feature page => less views

2.1.4. Post to show their work, create a portfolio

2.2. Forrst

2.2.1. Focus on web design: Icons, software, web interface, user interface.

2.2.2. Invited-only. Can login if be a member of Github

2.2.3. Members are very kind and welcome feedback to improve their work.

3. Pros

3.1. Focus on graphic design => More suitable for IT business

3.2. Only invited memb can post

3.3. Simple upload screenshot of our work

3.4. Get views immediately

3.5. Feedback-oriented social

3.6. 24 shots/month => increase quality

3.7. A potential channel to recruit designer

4. Conclusion

4.1. It's professional to show our work and use it to increase our branding

4.2. Should try about 1 month (24 posts) to estimate the interaction it can bring

4.3. Can consider to purchase pro/team account if it brings good effect