ITS/MS Role and Responsibilities

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ITS/MS Role and Responsibilities da Mind Map: ITS/MS Role and Responsibilities

1. Important Not Urgent

1.1. School Newsletter JE

1.2. Everyday technical issues (DCE)

1.3. Curriculum Planning with Teachers SB

1.4. Professional Learning with Teachers JCE

1.5. Morning News Show JE

1.6. Collaborating with teachers JCE

1.7. Monday Notes (Staff Newsletter) JCE

1.8. Planning with teachers- JA

1.9. Creating new student accounts throughout the year (DCE)

1.10. Teaching Specials JCE

1.11. sharing technology news/updates with faculty - mp

1.12. Helping organize school's RTI plan JE

1.13. Teaching a tech special on rotation (DCE)

1.14. Morning News Show and Robotics-MASH

1.15. Printing interim answer docs JE

1.16. pre assesments- interims mp

1.17. Answering tech questions as I walk down the hallway (DCE)

1.18. bubbling second grade preslugged assessment form

1.19. Creating/updating school calendar (DCE)

1.20. planning with teachers for higher level learning with technology - mp

1.21. BYOT support JE

1.22. Updating website and facebook JCE

1.23. Teaching Classes

1.24. planning PL for staff-MASH

1.25. TKES Student Surveys

1.26. Student surveys for TKES (ABB)

1.27. Answering emails JCE

1.28. Updating the Webpage/Meet the Teacher pages (DCE)

1.29. Emails (checking and replying) (DCE)

1.30. Managing all the social media (DCE)

1.31. itslearning support JE

1.32. Train Teachers on new technology

1.33. BYOT lessons and support JCE

1.34. supporting fellow ITS - particularly new folks - mp

1.35. Planning Parent Tech Support with Title I Parent Liason JE

1.36. Kajeet support JE

2. Not Important Not Urgent

2.1. installing special fonts for teachers-MASH

2.2. checking to see if headphones work-MASH

2.3. study island accounts - mp

2.4. Personal Printers

2.5. Updating webpage and social media sites JE

2.6. checking why individual websites don't work (ABB)

2.7. Personal devices

2.8. fonts - mp

2.9. filtering issues - mp

2.10. printer installations - mp

2.11. adding students to software (Reading Horzins, Study Island, etc.) JE

2.12. helping teachers transfer students in Raz-Kids-MASH

2.13. updates to websites - without specific directions - mp

2.14. installing local printers-MASH

2.15. making posters SB

2.16. Resending information i previously doing

3. Important Urgent

3.1. Working Equipment (First Week of School) SB

3.1.1. and the 2nd wk (ABB)

3.2. Getting equipment working JE

3.3. Creating user accounts and providing log on information to the students/teachers - mp

3.4. School Website, Unity Tickets, Professional Development, Media Center Responsibilities, Specials, Laptop carts, Safety Patrol, Collaborate with teachers, handle any school and central office technology related issues, itslearning information and contact, BYOT contact person, manage school subscribed websites ie ixl, raz kids, help anyone when needed, internet safety training with all students, troubleshoot any technology issues and make sure equipment is up and running like media scape and adaptors for multiple devices projector for meetings, doc cams, digital microscopes, communicate new programs, etc... to teachers, Keep up with and order ink cartridges-SBE

3.5. Creating new student accounts JE

3.6. itslearning courses (moving info to correct courses) SB

3.7. Making sure all equipment works JCE

3.8. Student safety - modeling responsible use - mp

3.9. Creating teacher/student accounts JCE

3.10. Creating new accounts-MASH

3.11. Adding New Student Logins/ Barcodes (checkout) SB

3.12. Helping my Admin when needed (DCE)

3.13. Administrator requests

3.14. Responsible Use Presentations-MASH

3.15. Technical issues at the beginning of the year. SPES

3.16. Supporting administration/admin meetings JCE

3.17. moving itslearning content to new courses-MASH

3.18. Grade book Training

3.19. fixing tech issues for admin-MASH

3.20. Unity Tickets

3.20.1. Updating web page/facebook/twitter

3.21. SLOS, Interims

3.22. Developing forms for collecting school-wide assessments data - SPES

3.23. Responsible Use Guidelines with all Ts and Ss (DCE)

3.24. installing / fixing new online testing program (ABB)

3.25. school newsletter-MASH

3.26. helping enter SLOs data-MASH

3.27. Designing and developing PL in the building. Taking the plan off the ground. SPES

3.28. installed USB adaptors-MASH

3.29. Creating Accounts

3.30. Phones for teachers with violent students

4. Not Important Urgent

4.1. car duty-MASH/ SHRN

4.2. lunch duty-MASH

4.3. Dismissing walkers - end of day mp

4.4. Afternoon Bus Duty JCE

4.5. AM hall duty (DCE)

4.6. AM duties

4.7. Car Duty- Got it changed to emergency only

4.8. music running during morning car rider line - mp

4.9. monitoring color printer usage-MASH