Categories of Disabilities (each of these must adversely affects a student's educational perform...

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Categories of Disabilities (each of these must adversely affects a student's educational performance in order to qualify as a disability under the Individuals with Disabilties Education Act) da Mind Map: Categories of Disabilities (each of these must adversely affects a student's  educational performance in order to qualify as a disability under the Individuals with Disabilties Education Act)

1. Developmental Delay

1.1. Definition

1.2. Modifications

1.2.1. Use multiple modalities when teaching

1.2.2. Provide frequent breaks

1.2.3. Allow children to complete activities independently

2. Deafness

2.1. Definition

2.2. Modifications

2.2.1. Priority seating in class to allow for lip reading

2.2.2. Consistent use of visual communication modes

2.2.3. Captions on films and movies in class

2.2.4. Assistance from a note-taker

2.3. Assistive Technology

2.3.1. Hearing aids or Cochlear Implants used with or without FM systems, infrared systems, or one-to-one communicators

3. Autism

3.1. Definition

3.2. Modifications

3.2.1. Class should be predictable and consistent

3.2.2. Information should be presented verbally and visually

3.2.3. Emphasize continuity between home and school by working closely with parents

3.3. Assisstive Technology

3.3.1. Picture communication board

3.3.2. Augmentative communication device

3.4. Case Studies


4. Emotional Disturbance

4.1. Definition

4.2. Modifications

4.2.1. Use positive behavior supports in the classroom to reinforce positive and appropriate behaviors

4.2.2. Teach in small groups or one-to-one

4.3. Case Study


5. Deaf/Blindness

5.1. Definition

5.2. Modifications

5.2.1. Variety of communication systems, including: Braille, sign language, picture symbols, finger spelling, gestures, touch cues, and object symbols

5.3. Assistive Technology

5.3.1. Braille reading or writing devices

5.3.2. Amplification system or hearing aid

5.3.3. Specialized computers

6. Hearing Impairment

6.1. Definition

6.2. Modifications

6.2.1. Priority seating in class to allow for lip reading

6.2.2. Consistent use of visual communication modes

6.2.3. Caption for films and moves in class

6.2.4. Assistance from a note-taker

6.3. Assistive Technology

6.3.1. Amplification systems

6.3.2. Hearing aids

7. Intellectual Disability

7.1. Definition

7.2. Modifications

7.2.1. Teaching concepts one at a time and breaking activities into steps

7.2.2. Multiple opportunities to practice skills in various settings

7.2.3. Teach in small groups or one-to-one

7.3. Assistive Technology

7.3.1. Word processor, communication device, or special software

8. Multiple Disabilties

8.1. Definition

8.2. Modifications

8.2.1. Peer tutoring

8.3. Assistive Technoogy

8.3.1. Augmentive communication systems

8.3.2. Motor skills

8.3.3. Computer software that can spell check, grammar check, recognize speech, or read text aloud

9. Orthopedic Impairment

9.1. Definition

9.2. Modifications

9.2.1. Priority seating and wide aisles in the classroom

9.2.2. Limit how much they need to move around the room

9.2.3. Adapted physical education plan

9.3. Assistive Technology

9.3.1. Mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, scooters, and walkers

9.3.2. Augmentive Communication system

10. Other Health Impairment

10.1. Definition

10.2. Modifications

10.2.1. Access to specialized health services

10.2.2. Providing educatonal services while the child might be unable to attend school

10.3. AssistiveTechnology

10.3.1. Depends on specific conditions of a child's health problem

10.4. Case Study


11. Specific Learning Disability

11.1. Definition

11.2. Modifications

11.2.1. Break tasks down into smaller more management segments

11.2.2. Extended time to complete assignments

11.3. Assistive Technology

11.3.1. Computer software that can spell check, grammar check, recognize speech, or read text aloud

12. Speech or Language Impairment

12.1. Defiinition

12.2. Modifications

12.2.1. Sign language, sign cards, or communication boards

12.2.2. Offer maximum social interaction opportunities

13. Traumatic Brain Injury

13.1. Definition

13.2. Modifications

13.2.1. Give directions one step at a time

13.2.2. Use consistent routines

13.2.3. Allow for extended time to complete assignments

13.2.4. Reduce distractions and allow the student to take breaks if needed

13.3. Assistive Technology

13.3.1. Computer software that can spell check, grammar check, recognize speech, or read text aloud

14. Visual Impairment, Including Blindness

14.1. Definition

14.2. Modifications

14.2.1. Providing verbal instructions

14.2.2. Using enlarged font

14.2.3. Priority seating at the front of the classroom

14.3. Assistive Technology

14.3.1. Specialized computers or screen magnifiers

14.3.2. Braille reading and writing devices

14.3.3. Handheld audio reader or books on tape