Animal Farm

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Animal Farm da Mind Map: Animal Farm

1. Characters

1.1. Napoloen

1.1.1. idea: power corrupts

1.1.2. Development from comrade - dictator

1.2. Squealer

1.2.1. idea: propaganda

1.3. Snowball

1.4. Jones

1.5. Boxer

1.5.1. idea: education as a source of power

2. Ideas


2.1.1. Power corrupts

2.1.2. Education as a source of power and the dangers of ignorance

2.1.3. Propaganda and the manipulation of language

2.1.4. Control through violence and fear

2.1.5. Corruption and the betrayal of ideals

2.1.6. Inevitability of class divisions

3. Important Events

3.1. Major's speech

3.2. Battle of Cowshed

3.3. Animalism and the 7 Commandments

3.4. Expulsion of Snowball

3.5. Mock trials and executions

3.6. Death of Boxer

4. Russian Revolution allegory

4.1. Old Major

4.1.1. Marx

4.2. Jones

4.2.1. Czar Nicholas II

4.3. Snowball

4.3.1. Trotsky

4.4. Napoloen

4.4.1. Stalin

4.5. Dogs

4.5.1. KGB

4.6. Squealer

4.6.1. Pravda newspaper / Stalin's propaganda department

4.7. Animals

4.7.1. Russian working class

4.8. Moses

4.8.1. Religion

4.9. Mollie

4.9.1. Self-interested people

4.10. Benjamin

4.10.1. Apathetic intellectuals who reacted against Stalin too late