The Teacher Leaves the Room and Someone Begins Bullying You

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The Teacher Leaves the Room and Someone Begins Bullying You da Mind Map: The Teacher Leaves the Room and Someone Begins Bullying You

1. Explore the Alternatives 1. Fight the Bully 2. Tell the Teacher 3. Ignore Bully 4. Gain Support from Classmates

1.1. Consider the Consequences Fight the Bully: Get in trouble Ignore: Bully keeps bullying Tell Teacher: Bully gets in trouble

1.1.1. Identify Your Values I want to not get in trouble and keep my record clean my goals in life is to stay out of trouble get in to a good school and get the job of my dreams. My values are to never use violence and try to talk things out Decide and Act I think that the best solution is to tell the teacher as that will tell the bully to back off and no harm will be done Evaluate the Results How did your decision work out? It was the best solution as the teacher now knows about the bullying and has probably taken the necessary measures to make sure it stops How has it affected your life? It has kept me on track to reach my goal of keeping a clean record How has it affected others? It has stopped the bully from bullying others What did you learn? I learned that making sure an adult knows about the problem is the best solution If you could do it over again, what would you do differently? I wouldn't identify fighting the bully as violence is the worst solution