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Studying da Mind Map: Studying

1. Explore the Alternatives

1.1. The better alternative would be to make room in your schedule to study for 30 minutes to and hour. You also could play games instead of studying.

2. Define the Problem

2.1. Should I study for my test tomorrow, or should I play games instead?

3. Evaluate the Results

3.1. The better choice for me would definitely be to study. It will improve my grades and I will feel so much more confident taking my test.

4. Consider the Consequences

4.1. If I don't study for the test, I will not get a good grade. I am helping myself by studying and It will help me stay focused.

5. Identify your Values

5.1. If I study for most all of my tests until I graduate, I will probably get into a good college, which will help me get a good job. Studying betters yourself in so many different ways.