Nico Torres

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Nico Torres da Mind Map: Nico Torres

1. Goals

1.1. Go to college

1.2. Play Football

1.3. Live for a long time

2. Family

2.1. Mom

2.2. Sister

2.3. Dad

2.4. My family is very important to me. My mom has taken care of me since I was liitle.

3. Hobbies

3.1. Playing Football

3.2. Playing Video games

3.3. Listing to music

3.4. My hobbies include playing football, playing video games and listing to music. These are my favorite hobbies.

4. Memories

4.1. Famliy

4.1.1. Birthdays

4.2. I can remember that my family always use to get together. I can also remember most of my birthdays.

5. Friends

5.1. Matt F.

5.2. Jake T.

5.3. Coal M.

5.4. My friends are also important to me. My friends are fun to talk to and be around.

6. Pet peeves

6.1. Doing alot of homework.

6.2. People who ask alot of questions.

6.3. I do not like when people ask alot of questions. And when teachers give alot of homework i do not like that.

7. Fears

7.1. Heights

7.1.1. the dark

7.2. I am afraid of heights. When it is really dark i get freak out and scared.