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FeliceSt.Vil da Mind Map: FeliceSt.Vil

1. memories

1.1. I remember being real small and just being born and seeing my father as he holded me in his hands and he was smileing at me and then I just fell asleep.

2. how i spend my days

2.1. I am usaually either outside or watching T.V. or im playing magic with my brother.

3. alone time

3.1. I like to be playing on the computer or listening to music that calms me down I think that music is my getaway.

4. family

4.1. I have five family members six counting me and I love them all even if they tell on me or ground me I still love them because they raised me and without them I wouldnt be here making this mind map on this computer.

5. friends

5.1. I have alot of friends but I dont ask people if they want to be my friend we just know if were friends because then we would be asking everyone in the world if your thier friend.

6. petpeeves

6.1. My petpeeves are just be respectful not be ocward and just try to be yourself.

7. hobbies

7.1. I like to play magic or play outside or even play with my sisters I dont play videogames anymore because I would get very agrivated if I died in blackops 2 or get stuck somwhere so thats why and I only watch T.V. if im board or trying to fall asleep.

8. What i know

8.1. I know alot of stuff and the stuff I dont know then I forgot about it which makes math really hard for me because I got it taut to me but its hard to remember very very old stuff.

9. Identities

9.1. I am still just a kid just trying to learn about jobs and careers and how to act so that im not a bum on the strreet or living in my moms house when im 22.

10. fears

10.1. I have a fear of my family members die before I do because I rather be there and learn how everything works and all that heavenly stuff

11. goals

11.1. I want to become a bailif he's a person who stands right in front of the judge and hands her evidence or he puts the cuffs on the guilty people.