Brainstorm of Ideas

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Brainstorm of Ideas da Mind Map: Brainstorm of Ideas

1. Genre

1.1. Pop

1.1.1. Conventions based around relationships 'Trend setting' often a mix between performance and narrative voyeuristic heavily edited teens

2. Locations

2.1. Dance studio

2.2. bedroom

2.3. street

3. Technical

3.1. POV shots

3.2. de-saturated merging into colour

3.3. gosh effect

3.4. overlaying clips of the argument onto the wall

4. Song Ideas

4.1. The vamps - 'Wildheart'

4.1.1. too upbeat to create a music video

4.2. Scouting For Girls - 'A-level Pain' or 'Famous'

4.2.1. too upbeat, although good for linking lyrics and visuals

4.3. Demi Lovato - 'Nightingale'

4.3.1. slow and emotional

4.3.2. link the visuals to the narrative

5. digipak and avert ideas

5.1. black and white

5.2. dancer on the front (maybe with a ghost effect)

6. narrative

6.1. argument between a couple

6.2. dancer taking out her anger through the power of dance

6.3. she keeps stumbling