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Symbolism da Mind Map: Symbolism

1. Transcends language through contemplation of images

2. Real Life

2.1. Flags

2.1.1. American Flag Freedom

2.2. Colors

2.2.1. Blue Sadness

2.2.2. Green Eco-Friendly

2.2.3. Red Anger, passion

2.3. Objects

2.3.1. Easter egg A hidden treasure

2.4. Nature

2.4.1. Roses Love

3. Literature

3.1. The Great Gatsby

3.1.1. The Green Light Gatsby's hopes and dreams for the future

3.2. Jane Eyre

3.2.1. The Red Room Represents the obstacles Jane must overcome to find happiness and freedom

4. Vocabulary

4.1. Synecdoche

4.1.1. A part of something that represents the whole , or it may use a whole to represent a part

4.2. Metonymy

4.2.1. Another thing that is closely linked to that particular thing, but is not necessarily a part of it

5. Person, place, or object that represents something bigger

5.1. The actions of a character can also be symbolic of a larger concept

6. No single "correct" interpretation of a symbol in literature

6.1. Gains its meaning from the context of a literary work

6.2. Changes as the work develops