Brittany Cabanas

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Brittany Cabanas da Mind Map: Brittany Cabanas

1. What to do in undergrad years to choose a career path

1.1. Doing internships and research opportunities, with help from my mentor with NYNY, to try out different paths between counseling or FBI work to see which appeals more to me

1.2. Figure out what I am going to do about grad school- haven't put enough thought into it (research)

1.3. get as many different experiences as possible in the psychology field

2. Other experiences I want out of college

2.1. More community service (autism awareness, LGBT, etc.)

2.2. Being in the McNair program to really create my own research project and see if maybe research interests me

2.3. Having fun, studying abroad, and being part of clubs that interest me- Macaulay Dancers and beyond

2.3.1. Bali, Indonesia

2.3.2. UK, Italy, Norway, Ireland (Europe)

2.3.3. Internship abroad, mostly English speaking- clinical work maybe

3. More college stuff

4. Psychology Fields

4.1. FBI-behavioral analysis

4.2. mental health counselor/clinician

4.3. Private Practice therapist (family, marriage, etc.)

4.3.1. or some other psych field i havent thought of (INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCH)

5. Ways to decide which career path

5.1. Expose myself to different research opportunities at John Jay in the psych department

5.1.1. Schlesinger - FBI Jr or senior year

5.1.2. Hartwig- lie detection this year.

5.1.3. Evelo research currently with publication bias

5.2. Join the peer counseling program at john jay to decide whether i want to have a private practice and be a counselor or work with the government (maybe next year)

5.3. Variety of internships with the counseling side of psychology and criminal side