To what extent are social problems historically based versus scienitifically based?

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To what extent are social problems historically based versus scienitifically based? da Mind Map: To what extent are social problems historically based versus scienitifically based?

1. Ethics

1.1. POV on druggies

1.2. expenses

1.3. justification

1.3.1. from druggies

1.3.2. from drug dealers

1.4. how this has become a growing business

2. Problems

2.1. The past cannot be changed

2.2. drug abuse

2.3. Most people stay in the same area and are surrounded by the same things

2.4. peer pressure

3. History

3.1. Staten Island psych ward history

3.2. drug laws over the centuries

3.3. Abnormality

3.4. Politics

3.4.1. economy

3.4.2. laws on drugs

3.4.3. controversy

3.5. Staten Island Prescription Drug Problems

4. human sciences

4.1. genetics

4.1.1. Children raised in drug abuse house think its normal to an extent

4.1.2. most drug abuses are inherited like drinking and depression- causing generations to continue and also not move to different areas

4.2. psychology

4.2.1. whats normal and whats not