Google+ : This website has it all. It is a great venue for learning, teaching, and socializing.

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Google+ : This website has it all. It is a great venue for learning, teaching, and socializing. da Mind Map: Google+ : This website has it all.  It is a great venue for learning, teaching, and socializing.

1. Hangouts On Air: Allows you to listen to shows on specific topics.

1.1. I would like to try a Google Hangout with this class? Anyone want to join me? Add your names here and I will get it set up. You will need to have a Google Account! -Dr. Fritz

2. Private Communities: Can discuss specific content. This would be great for classes.

2.1. This would be a great way to communicate with parents or track a student's progress by tracking intervention with other teachers. (V.Ndiaye)

3. Public Communities: Can join groups on various topics. This would be great for research and/or classes.

4. Mobile App: Easily accessible. You can connect to the information from anywhere.