Belgian Quidditch Federation

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Belgian Quidditch Federation da Mind Map: Belgian Quidditch Federation

1. Team Department

1.1. Lead by Joke Daems

1.2. Sub-Departments

1.2.1. Membership

1.2.2. Set-up

1.2.3. Equipment

2. Media Department

2.1. Lead by Cindy Callens

2.2. Sub-Departments

2.2.1. Social Media

2.2.2. Website

3. Gameplay Department

3.1. Lead by Laurens Grinwis Plaat Stultjes

3.2. Sub-Departments

3.2.1. Rules

3.2.2. Referees

3.2.3. Coaching

3.2.4. Snitching

4. Financial Department

4.1. [Hiring]

4.2. Sub-Departments

4.2.1. Accountancy

4.2.2. Estimation

5. Lead by the President and Vice-President

5.1. Assisted by 3 VP Internals

5.2. Helped by Secretary

5.3. Oversees everyone else

5.4. Sub-Departments