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1. Past Simple

1.1. Form

1.1.1. Regular verbs: subject + verb + -ed To play --> played Irregular verbs: To say --> said Negative: I didn't say... Interrogative: Did you say...? Interrogative negative: Didn't you say...?

1.2. Use

1.2.1. L' evento è successo in un momento specifico del passato ed è concluso Espressioni: yesterday, at 2 o'clock, last night/week/weekend/month/summer/year, two years ago

1.3. Examples

1.3.1. "They played football." "They didn't play football." "Did they play football?" "Didn't they play football?"

2. Past Continuous

2.1. Form

2.1.1. subject + was/were + -ing form To play --> I/He/She/It was playing You/We/They were playing Negative: I/He/She/It wasn't playing... You/We/They weren't playing... Interrogative: Was I/he/she/it playing...? Were you/we/they playing...? Interrogative negative: Wasn't I/he/she/it playing...? Weren't you/we/they playing...?

2.2. Use

2.2.1. 1) La situazione o azione era in corso di svolgimento in un momento specifico del passato; 2) per descrivere due azioni che si svolgevano contemporaneamente in un momento definito del passato

2.3. Examples

2.3.1. "They were talking." or "He was talking when I came in." "They weren't talking." or "He wasn't talking when I came in." "Were they talking?" or "Was he talking when I came in?" "Weren't they talking?" or "Wasn't he talking when I came in?"

3. Past Perfect Simple

3.1. Form

3.1.1. subject + had + past participle To play --> had played Negative: I hadn't played... Interrogative: Had you played...? Interrogative negative: Hadn't you played...?

3.2. Use

3.2.1. 1) E' un'azione compiuta prima di un'altra nel passato; 2) si usa nel discorso indiretto Espressioni: when, since, for, already, yet, by the time

3.3. Examples

3.3.1. "He had known Mary for ten years when he married her." "He hadn't known Mary for ten years when he married her." "Had he known Mary for ten years when he married her?" "Hadn't he known Mary for ten years when he married her?"

4. Past Perfect Continuous

4.1. Form

4.1.1. subject + had + been + -ing form To play --> had been playing Negative: I hadn't been playing... Interrogative: Had you been playing...? Interrogative negative: Hadn't you been playing...?

4.2. Use

4.2.1. 1) Per enfatizzare il prolungarsi di un'azione appena conclusa nel passato quando è iniziata un'altra azione anch'essa conclusa; 2) per indicare un'azione in corso nel passato che non è conclusa quando viene interrotta da un'altra azione

4.3. Examples

4.3.1. "They had been talking for years." "They hadn't been talking for years." "Had they been talking for years?" "Hadn't they been talking for years?"

4.3.2. "I had been working for long when the package arrived." "I hadn't been working for long when the package arrived." "Had I been working for long when the package arrived?" "Hadn't I been working for long when the package arrived?"

5. Used to

5.1. Form

5.1.1. subject + used to + verb To play --> used to play Negative: I didn't use to... Interrogative: Did you use to...? Interrogative negative: Didn't you use to...?

5.2. Use

5.2.1. E' uno stato o abitudine nel passato che non ha più legami con il presente o contrapporne una passata con una presente

5.3. Examples

5.3.1. "We used to live here." "We didn't use to live here." "Did we use to live here?" "Didn't we use to live here?"

6. Present Perfect Simple

6.1. Form

6.1.1. subject + have/has + past participle To play --> I/You/We/They have played He/She/It has played To say --> I/You/We/They have said He/She/It has said Negative: I haven't said... Interrogative: Have you said...? Interrogative negative: Haven't you said...?

6.2. Use

6.2.1. Un'azione o situazione nel passato che ha un collegamento con il presente

6.3. Examples

6.3.1. "I have been to India." or "She has known him all her life." "I haven't been to India." or "She hasn't known him all her life." "Have I been to India?" or "Has she known him all her life?" "Haven't I been to India?" or "Hasn't she known him all her life?"

7. Present Perfect Continuous

7.1. Form

7.1.1. subject + have/has + been + -ing form To play --> I/You/We/They have been playing He/She/It has been playing Negative: I/You/We/They have not been playing... He/She/It has not been playing... Interrogative: Have I/you/we/they been playing...? Has he/she/it been playing...? Interrogative negative: Have I/you/we/they not been plying...? Has he/she/it not been playing...?

7.2. Use

7.2.1. 1) E' un'azione o situazione che è iniziata nel passato e continua nel presente; 2) situazioni temporanee che sono iniziate nel passato e continuano nel presente; 3) azioni ripetute dal passato al presente Espressioni: all day, all morning, for ages, lately, recently, for, since

7.3. Examples

7.3.1. "They have been living here for years." or "He has been working all day." "They haven't been living here for years." or "He hasn't been working all day." "Have they been living here fot years?" or "Has he been working all day?" "Havn't they been living here fot years?" or "Hasn't he been working all day?"

8. Present Simple

8.1. Form

8.1.1. subject + verb I/You/We/They play He/She/It plays Negative: I/You/We/They don't play... He/She/It doesn't play... Interrogative: Do I/you/we/they play...? Does he/she/it plays...? Interrogative negative: Don't I/you/we/they play...? Doesn't he/she/it play...?

8.2. Use

8.2.1. 1) Fatti generali che risultano sempre veri; 2) verità generali e leggi della natura; 3) azioni ripetute e abitudinali Espressioni: frequenza (twice a day, usually, often, sometimes...)

8.3. Examples

8.3.1. "They cook pasta every weekend." or "The train leaves at 8:30 a.m." "They don't cook pasta every weekend." or "The train doesn't leave at 8:30 a.m." "Do they cook pasta every weekend?" or "Does the train leave at 8:30 a.m.?" "Don't they cook pasta every weekend?" or "Doesn't the train leave at 8:30 a.m.?"

9. Present Continuous

9.1. Form

9.1.1. subject + am/are/is + -ing form To play --> I am playing You/We/They are playing He/She/It is playing Negative: I am not playing... You/We/They are not playing... He/She/It is playing... Interrogative: Am I playing...? Are you/we/they playing...? Is he/she/it playing...? Interrogative negative: Am I not playing...? Are you/we/they not playing...? Is he/she/it not playing...?

9.2. Use

9.2.1. 1) azioni che accadono al momento in cui si parla; 2) eventi o azioni che si svolgono al presente, ma non necessariamente nel momento in cui si parla; 3) descrivere foto o illustrazioni; 4) con "always", irritazione per un'azione ripetuta; 5) parlare del futuro quando è programmato Espressioni: at the moment, now, today, this week, this year...

9.3. Examples

9.3.1. "I am meeting Jane at 9 p.m." or "You are meeting Jane at 9 p.m." or "She is meeting Jane at 9 p.m." "I am not meeting Jane at 9 p.m." or "You are not meeting Jane at 9 p.m." or "She is not meeting Jane at 9 p.m." "Am I meeting Jane at 9 p.m.?" or "Are you meeting jane at 9 p.m.?" or "Is she meeting Jane at 9 p.m.?" "Am I not meeting Jane at 9 p.m.?" or "Are you not meeting Jane at 9 p.m.?" or "Is she not meeting Jane at 9 p.m.?"

10. Will

10.1. Form

10.1.1. subject + will + verb To play -->will play Negative: I will not play... Interrogative: Will you play...? Interrogative negative: Will you not play...?

10.2. Use

10.2.1. 1) previsione non basata su elementi presenti; 2) esprimere qualcosa che si è deciso di fare nel momento in cui si parla; 3) per offrire di fare qualcosa; 4) per fare promesse; 5) per fare richieste; 6) per fissare appuntamenti; 7) per esprimere rifiuto Espressioni: perhaps, probably, I think/expect/imagine, be sure, don't think

10.3. Examples

10.3.1. "You will be rich one day." or "I will help you with those bags." "You will not be rich one day." or "I will not help you with those bags." "Will you be rich one day?" or "Will I help you with those bags?" "Will you not be rich one day?" or "Will I not help you with those bags?"

11. Future Continuous

11.1. Form

11.1.1. subject + will + be + -ing form To play --> will be playing Negative: I will not be playing... Interrogative: Will you be playing...? Interrogative negative: Will you not be playing...?

11.2. Use

11.2.1. Parla di un'azione in corso di svolgimento nel futuro

11.3. Examples

11.3.1. "You will be coming to the party." "You will be not coming to the party." "Will you be coming to the party?" "Will you not be coming to the party?"

12. Going to

12.1. Form

12.1.1. subject + am/are/is + going to To play --> I am going to play You/We/They are going to play He/She/It is going to play Negative: I am not going to play... You/We/They are not going to play... He/She/It is not going to play... Interrogative: Am I going to play...? Are you/we/they going to play...? Is he/she/it going to play...? Interrogative negative: Am I not going to play...? Are you/we/they not going to play...? Is he/she/it not going to play...?

12.2. Use

12.2.1. 1) Intenzioni e progetti per il futuro, ma senza una pianificazione precisa; 2) decisioni per il futuro prese in precedenza; 3) previsioni basate sull'osservazione di fatti Espressioni: in a week/month/year, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in two/three... minutes'/days' time, this time next week, next week/month/year, in a little while/shortly, in a moment

12.3. Examples

12.3.1. "It is going to rain." or "We are going to a party." "It is not going to rain." or "We are not going to a party." "Is it going to rain?" or "Are we going to a party?" "Is it not going to rain?" or "Are we not going to a party?"

13. Future Perfect Simple

13.1. Form

13.1.1. subject + will + have/has + past participle Regular verbs: To play --> I/You/We/They will have played He/She/It will has played Irregular verbs: To say --> I/You/We/They will have said He/She/It will has said Negative: I/You/We/They will have not said... He/She/It will has not said... Interrogative: Will I/you/we/they have said...? Will he/she/it has said...? Interrogative negative: Will I/you/we/they have not said...? Will he/she/it has not said...?

13.2. Use

13.2.1. Parla di un evento programmato che si prevede sia concluso entro un certo momento nel fututo Espressioni: tomorrow, next week/month, by next week/month

13.3. Examples

13.3.1. "We will have finished the game before 2 p.m." "We will have not finished the game before 2 p.m." "Will we have finished the game before 2 p.m.?" "Will we have not finished the game before 2 p.m.?"

14. Future Perfect Continuous

14.1. Form

14.1.1. subject + will + have + been + -ing form To play --> will have been playing Negative: I will have not been playing... Interrogative: Will you have been playing...? Interrogative negative: Will you have not been playing...?

14.2. Use

14.2.1. E' un'azione che immaginiamo in corso di svolgimento nel futuro Espressioni: by e verbi di azione. NON VERBI DI STATO

14.3. Examples

14.3.1. "They will have been talking about us." "They will have not been talking about us." "Will they have been talking about us?" "Will they have not been talking about us?"