Web 2.0 technologies and how can a business use it

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Web 2.0 technologies and how can a business use it da Mind Map: Web 2.0 technologies and how can a business use it

1. Wikis

1.1. visitors can add, delete or modify content

1.1.1. Business' use them for example for sharing sales information - as they can re-use the information

2. Blogs

2.1. Twitter

2.2. Compnanies

2.2.1. Maintain public blogs Research customers Customers can add commnets present new products and services Communicate with employees

3. RSS

3.1. To distribute updated corporate information

4. What is it?

4.1. second generation interactive Internet-based services

4.2. Enables poeple to:

4.2.1. collaborate

4.2.2. Share Informtation

4.2.3. Create new services online

4.3. Web 2.0

5. Web based tools for marketing

6. E-commerce

6.1. the use of the Internet and the Web to transact business

6.2. WHY?

6.2.1. ubiquity

6.2.2. global research

6.2.3. Universal standards

6.2.4. richness

6.2.5. interactivity

6.2.6. information destiny

6.2.7. personalization/customization

7. Types of E-Commerce

7.1. Business-to-consumer

7.1.1. retailing services/products to shoppers

7.2. Business-to-business

7.2.1. sales amongst businesses

7.3. Consumer-to-consumer

7.3.1. consumers selling directly to consumers