My Ideal Society

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My Ideal Society da Mind Map: My Ideal Society

1. Government

1.1. Democracy

1.1.1. Freedoms people deserve while still managing well

1.1.2. People have a voice with reason and are still controlled fairly

1.2. Effects

1.2.1. People who may rebel but are still controlled and have a reasonably fair voice to change what they desire

1.2.2. People may vote but can be arrested if they cause harm to others or themselves in society

2. Transportation

2.1. Mainly land and water

2.1.1. Less expensive and transports more objects

2.1.2. Water is natural and transports large amounts; land transportation is available to anyone who can afford it and can be located almost anywhere

2.2. Effects

2.2.1. Almost anyone can be transported anywhere at cheaper costs along with defense systems

2.2.2. Cars can transport people from landlocked or coastal areas; water can transport plenty of trade materials and people over large distances for reasonably cheap amounts

3. Economy

3.1. Market Economy

3.1.1. Allows competition that motivates people

3.1.2. Equality through amounts of work ethic

3.2. Effects

3.2.1. Fairly successful due to educated people who should be motivated to do jobs

3.2.2. To take care of basic needs people are motivated; high educations with many people who are comfortable with themselves should allow plenty of jobs to benefit the economy

4. Education System

4.1. Reflection of Finland

4.1.1. Variation of educational services

4.1.2. Suits individual needs for different learning necessities

4.2. Effects

4.2.1. Allows children who do not function well in crowds of people to learn in a more individual environments along with children who need to work at their own pace

4.2.2. Children need to be challenged but an education that simply benefits their mindset benefits their intelligence for a better set of knowledge in government and a better economy

5. Energy Source

5.1. Wind Energy and Solar Energy

5.1.1. Clean and renewable

5.1.2. Clean environment for better health and no worries about running out of energy

5.2. Effects

5.2.1. Should be able to benefit machinery and appliances most of the time, but people may need to work more

5.2.2. Educated people should be able to cover the loss of the machinery from wind and solar energy not always being available; could repair or learn to use alternative ways