Communication and Feedback in Active Teaching

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Communication and Feedback in Active Teaching da Mind Map: Communication and Feedback  in Active Teaching

1. Team Member

1.1. Kezia Awadzi

1.2. Linfang Yuan

2. Communication via Canvas tools

2.1. Annoucement

2.2. Discussions

2.3. Conversations

3. What is the communication role in active teaching from our personal experiences?

3.1. Regular and consistent (depending on type of communication).

3.2. Private vs. public feedback

3.3. Detailed vs. general feedback

3.4. Keep track of feedback (depends on LMS)

4. What other scholars say about this role?

4.1. Goodyear et al. (2001) coined this role as the “process facilitator”.

4.2. “Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.” from the AAHE Bulletin (1987)

4.2.1. Good Practice Encourages Contacts Between Students and Faculty

4.2.2. Good Practice Gives Prompt Feedback

5. What Strategies can we use to support effective communication and feedback ?

5.1. Establish policies describing the types of communication that should take place over different channels.

5.2. Provide information feedback" and "acknowledgement feedback."

5.3. Activity #11: Critical friend

5.4. Activity #15: Comments and annotations

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