Ecological Levels of Orginization

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Ecological Levels of Orginization da Mind Map: Ecological Levels of Orginization

1. Population

1.1. Members of a species that live in the same area at the same time make up a population.

1.2. An example of a population could be humans, animals, insects, etc.

1.3. Peguins

2. Ecosystems

2.1. All living things and their physical environment within a particular area makes up an ecosystem.

2.2. An example of an ecosystem would be a forest that consists of all the organisms that there plus the air, water, and nutrients they use.

2.3. Forests

3. The Biosphere

3.1. The biosphere includes all parts of Earth that host life, with all the organisms and environments.

3.2. Examples of the biosphere include land and soil, the earths mantle, air, water, etc.

3.3. Stream

4. Individuals

4.1. Individuals are classified into two groups. The most common is a species.

4.2. An example of this would be a human or a cheetah or any one living thing.

4.3. Cheetah

5. Communities

5.1. A population in a particular area make up a community.

5.2. Communities include plants, animals, fungi, and microbial.

5.3. Fungi