How water was used?

In this mind map, we talked about how water was used in many ways.

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How water was used? da Mind Map: How water was used?

1. Agriculture

1.1. Farming- Water was used to harvest and grow plants, but using veichles can contaminite it.

1.2. Animals: All farm animals need water to survive.

1.3. Crops: It uses a lot of gallons of water to make a lot of crops. For example, it takes 26 gallons of water to make a single ear of corn.

1.4. Plants: Sometimes, people use chemicals on plants and then wash it off. This is a negative thing because the chemicals can go through a tube into the ocean, polluting it.

2. Household

2.1. Bathroom: Waters are used in the toilet, the shower, and washing your hands

2.2. Kitchen: They are used to prepare food and to wash dishes

2.3. Backyard: This is where we use most of the fresh water. We use it for sprinklers, washing cars, and more.

3. Hydroelectricity

3.1. Only 20% of the electricity were hydropower., and 10% of it were provided.

3.2. Hydroelectric plants are the largest users in water. They capture the amount of water to work, but they only work in the dam.

3.3. Hydropower is clean and does not leave out waste. Because of that, the amount of coal and oil needed were reduced.

4. Transportation

4.1. Boats and Ferries are a way to help people communicate with each other.

4.2. Water Transportation was channeled over America, but not without cost

4.3. Somehow, the destruction of ships can cause oil to pollute the water, and the erosion of water habitats forces the water organisms to migrate

5. Introduction

5.1. Water is essential to life. Humans, Plants, and Animals are mostly made out of water. We use water for everything, such as farming and washing our hands. Without water, all living organisms would die!

5.2. There are positive things of how we use water, but there can be negative effects to it! That is why people today helped the world to use water nicely, and not to harm any habitats under it.