Gaugamela (key categories)

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Gaugamela (key categories) da Mind Map: Gaugamela (key categories)

1. Macedonian

1.1. Alexander's archers and javelin throwers killed the Persians scythed charioteers

1.1.1. Alexanders trained pike-equipped cavalry and infantry bore inexorably down Darius second secret weapon to a point where they were useless and uncontrollable elephants

2. The battle

3. The after math

3.1. `Because Darius retreated it bought his life more time. but his disgusted subordinate Bessus executed his monarch.

3.1.1. Alexander wanted it all and the his genius mind had the means to get it. So he asked his army no more than than him self was willing to give. his army eventually lost thee moral and willingness to march for more conquest. Alexander and his empire left him when bodies wracked with wounds and disease could not longer support the genius's powerful mind he later died in the legendary city of Babylon in 323 bc

4. Persian

4.1. Persian cavalry got past the Thessalians and hypaspists flank and drove for the Macedonian rear

4.1.1. The persian king Darius abandoned his army and camp during the fight