Input and Output Devices

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Input and Output Devices da Mind Map: Input and Output Devices

1. Using Portable Storage (USB) in a classroom would help store large amounts of information that can be carried securely everywhere

2. incorporating the device into a classroom, teachers as well as students can easily incorporate this device that can offer a big storage at a relatively low price.

3. Challenges- Older machines may have few or not USB ports available or that the USB connection may be in the back of the computer, in which case a USB port extension will be neeeded.

4. The benefits of a Portable Storage (USB) The Portable storage (USB) plugs into a computers USB port and transfer or extracts information and it can be plugged into a different computer and the machine recognizes it as an external drive.

5. Portable Storage (USB) is a small USB portable device that can be carried as a key chain. It's storage capacity of information is more then 100 CD-Ram's

6. Using wireless devices in a classroom would make student interaction and communication much easier and teachers have access to online resources to stored files from anywhere there is a wireless hot spot.

7. Incorporating the device into a classroom allows students as well as teachers to use their wireless computers in class so the students can research an interesting subject while they are on a field trip rather then to wait until in class the next day.

8. The benefits of wireless devices is that individuals can access the internet from anywhere in the area as long as there is a Wi-Fi wireless enabled building. Computers can be easily moved around.

9. Challenges converting a school building into a Wi-Fi enabled building is expensive.

10. Wireless Devices- have become as common a cell phones that offer email, voice calls, text messaging and internet access. Wireless hot spots are in many public and schools connectivity is not to far behind.

11. The benefits of a digital camera- is that they can use different memory cards depending on the manufactures selection. Digital cameras allows a person to choose the photos that need to be printed and allows you to input photographic images directly without having to scan them.

12. Output Devices

13. challenges - in choosing a digital camera is to choose what a person want to use the camera for, and select a camera according to the school's budget if the school is purchasing it for the teacher to use the camera for class activities.

14. Incorporating the device into the classroom is available to teachers. teachers can use a digital camera to capture field trips to taking photos of children's work, displaying their work on the schools web site, customizing the class newsletter, documenting science projects. The use of a digital camera can be very diverse, sharing the talents, creativity of the teachers who use these input devices.

15. Incorporating the device into the classroom is easy but the teacher has to make sure that the scanner and the computer have a compatible USB port to be connected, otherwise it is recommended to purchase a USB expansion hub.

16. Challenges of a scanner. makes it harder to save an image on a disk, depending on the type of scanner if it is an old scanner.

17. The benefits of a scanner. A scanner's image can be modified by other programs and enhance or modify the image or text. the new scanners have the latest technology making it easier to print, modify, save on disks or in a computer file.

18. Scanners: are input devices that capture printed copy or image as digital data. For example= Scanners come with a software package that turn the image or a text on the page into a digital image and while it is connected to the computer as it scans, it inputs a digital file of the object that is being scanned.

19. Input Devices

20. Using a scanner in a classroom will teach students how easy it is to transfer documents into the computer program

21. Digital Cameras- are like the traditional cameras but the digital cameras capture photos as digital data. digital cameras also have a big capacity of storage and the capability of recording video.