Assessing & Evaluating Diversified Populations

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Assessing & Evaluating Diversified Populations da Mind Map: Assessing & Evaluating Diversified Populations

1. student tutor recognition awards

2. assess reading skills

2.1. pre and post test

3. structure

3.1. study

3.1.1. complete projects

3.1.2. varied media

4. coursework

4.1. badges for completion

4.1.1. certificates recognizing level elevation

5. Adult Basic Education Learners

5.1. pretest

5.1.1. HSE prep HSE diploma award lessons charted levels of improvement

5.1.2. post test

6. Senior Citizens

6.1. assess digital literacy

6.1.1. provide instruction

7. Learners with challenges

8. personal tutoring

9. support when needed

10. English Language Learners

11. language exercises

12. scaffolding

12.1. students hands on

13. Instructors

13.1. activity reports-hours per month

13.2. in service training

13.3. state certified teachers

13.3.1. tutoring certification required

14. offer support