Mr. Wenger's Test

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Mr. Wenger's Test da Mind Map: Mr. Wenger's Test

1. Slavery

1.1. Abolitionist

1.1.1. Frederick Douglass

1.1.2. William Lloyd Garrison

1.1.3. David Walker

1.2. Slavery in the North

1.3. Slavery in the South

2. Reform

2.1. Revivalism

2.1.1. Charles G. Finney

2.2. Transcendentalism

2.2.1. Ralph Waldo Emerson

2.3. Education

2.3.1. Dorothea Dix

2.4. Alternative Religion

2.5. Hospitals

2.5.1. Dorothea Dix

3. Market Revolution

3.1. Industrialization

3.1.1. Sewing Machine

3.1.2. Telegraph

3.1.3. Steel Plow

3.1.4. Mechanical Reaper

3.1.5. Cotton Gin

3.1.6. Mass Production

3.2. Transportation

3.2.1. Railroad

3.2.2. Steamboat

3.2.3. Canals

4. Major Acts

4.1. Fugitive Slave Act (1850)

4.2. Compromise of 1850

4.3. Kansas-Nebraska Act

4.4. Tariff of 1816

4.5. Adams-Onis Treaty

4.6. Monroe Doctrine

4.7. Missouri Compromise

4.8. Indian Removal Act

4.8.1. Trail of Tears

4.9. Panic Of 1837

4.10. Gag Rule

4.11. American System

4.11.1. Internal Improvements

4.11.2. National Bank

4.11.3. Protective Tariffs

4.12. Treaty of Fort Laramie

4.13. Treaty of Guadalupe

4.14. Gadsden Purchase

5. Important Vocabulary

5.1. Mass Production

5.2. Nationalism

5.3. National Road

5.4. Erie Canal

5.5. Democratic-Republican Party

5.6. Spoils System

5.7. Second Great Awakening

5.8. Revival

5.9. Civil Disobedience

5.10. Abolition

5.11. Emacipation

5.12. Antebellum

5.13. Temperance Movement

5.14. Cult of Domesticity

5.15. Master

5.16. Journeyman

5.17. Apprentice

5.18. Strike

5.19. Capitalism

5.20. Entrepreneur

5.21. Manifest Destiny

5.22. Land Grant

5.23. Annex

5.24. Gold Rush

5.25. Forty-Niners

5.26. Popular Soveirgnty

6. Politics

6.1. Henry Clay

6.1.1. American System

6.2. Andrew Jackson

6.3. Daniel Webster

6.4. John C. Calhoun

6.5. Whig Party

6.6. Martin Van Buren

6.7. William Henry Harrison

6.8. John Tyler

6.9. National Trades' Union

6.10. Samuel F. B. Morse

6.11. John Deere

6.12. Cyrus McCormick

6.13. Joseph Smith

6.14. Brigham Young

6.15. Stephan F. Austin

6.16. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

6.17. Sam Houston

6.18. James K. Polk

6.19. Zachary Taylor

6.20. Stephan Kearny

6.21. Winfield Scott