Minerals and Fossiles

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Minerals and Fossiles da Mind Map: Minerals and Fossiles

1. Oil

1.1. Benefits

1.1.1. Transportation fuel

1.1.2. Heating electricity generators

1.1.3. Making synthetic materials

1.2. Timeline

1.2.1. 1901 Americas first oil gusher

1.2.2. 1947 platforming discovered

1.3. Location

1.3.1. First found oozing out of rocks on the Earths surface

1.3.2. Primary location middle east

1.4. Challanges

1.4.1. Pollution

1.4.2. Soil damage

1.4.3. Climate change

1.5. Long Term

1.5.1. Reliance of oil is expected to go up

1.5.2. Petroleum deposites are expected to run out

2. Natural Gas

2.1. Benefits

2.1.1. Cooking

2.1.2. Heating

2.1.3. Making plastic

2.2. Timeline

2.2.1. 1816 first gas firm

2.2.2. 1885 Bunsen burner

2.2.3. 1973 OPEC embargo begins

2.3. Location

2.3.1. Iran

2.3.2. Russia

2.3.3. Algeria

2.3.4. Organic matter in Earths crust

2.4. Challanges

2.4.1. Gas leaks

2.4.2. Contamination

2.4.3. Toxic air/Smog

2.5. Long Term

2.5.1. Not an endless supply

3. Coal

3.1. Benefits

3.1.1. Fuel

3.1.2. Burning

3.2. Timeline

3.2.1. 1700's coal was used as a fuel

3.2.2. 1800's steam boats

3.3. Location

3.3.1. Russia

3.3.2. Canida

3.4. Challanges

3.4.1. Pollution

3.5. Long Term

3.5.1. Limited resources

4. Gold

4.1. Benefits

4.1.1. Transfer of digital information

4.1.2. Cell phones parts

4.2. Timeline

4.2.1. Gold was the first metal know to humans

4.2.2. Gold dates back to 3100 BC

4.2.3. Primitive mining dates back thousands of years and can still be used to today

4.3. Location

4.3.1. Gold can be found on every continent of the Earth

4.3.2. Larges deposits are found in Africa and India

4.4. Challanges

4.4.1. Gold production is associated with hazardous pollution

4.4.2. Gold is mixed with sodium cyanide in the separation process sodium cyanide is poisonous

4.5. Long term

4.5.1. Gold can be sustained by recycling

5. Quartz

5.1. Benefits

5.1.1. Computer screens

5.1.2. Silicon chips inside computers

5.1.3. Silicon watches

5.2. Location

5.2.1. Canada

5.2.2. Russia

5.3. Challanges

5.3.1. Damage to soil

5.4. Long Term

5.4.1. Limited resources

5.5. Timeline

5.5.1. 1541 quart arrow heads

6. Tantalum

6.1. Benefits

6.1.1. Store electricity in cellphones

6.1.2. Radio communications

6.1.3. Circuits in laptops and computers

6.2. Location

6.2.1. Earth crust

6.2.2. Primary mining is Australia

6.3. Challanges

6.3.1. Conflict resource Resulted in 5.4 million deaths

6.4. Long Term

6.4.1. Tantalum can be sustained by recycling to an extent

6.5. Timeline

6.5.1. Discovered in 1802

6.5.2. 1886 it was identified as an element