"Spread the DNA of innovation"

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"Spread the DNA of innovation" da Mind Map: "Spread the DNA of innovation"

1. Workshops

1.1. Research & Synthesis

1.2. Prototyping

1.3. Lean startup

2. TEDx

2.1. Organize a TEDx event

2.2. Example of topically-focused

2.2.1. TEDxCERN

2.2.2. TEDxTransmedia

2.2.3. TEDxCity

3. Open Innovation Communities

3.1. Open IDEO

3.2. Berkley - "Managing Open INnovation in Large FIrms"

3.3. Innovation Engineering Labs

3.4. InnoCentive

4. Participatory Strategy

4.1. IFTF's Framework

4.1.1. Foresight Engine

4.2. Liz Sanders' Collective Innovation

4.2.1. Convivial Toolbox

4.3. Collective Action Toolkit