Ethics and the college student

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Ethics and the college student da Mind Map: Ethics and the college student

1. Male

1.1. paid more

1.1.1. actual stats

1.2. alcohol

1.2.1. Male college students tend to drink more than female college students

1.3. cheating

1.3.1. actual stats

1.4. goal oriented

1.4.1. actual stats

2. How are college students viewed?

2.1. Positive views

2.1.1. paid more

2.1.2. goal oriented

2.2. negative views

2.2.1. all binge drinkers

2.2.2. all students cheat

3. Female

3.1. paid more

3.1.1. actual stats

3.2. alcohol

3.2.1. female students tend to drink less then male students

3.3. cheating

3.3.1. actual stats

3.4. goal oriented

3.4.1. actual stats

4. resourses





5. Online

5.1. actual stats

5.1.1. 1 In a recent study, a whopping 72 percent of online college students surveyed admitted cheating

5.1.2. 2 coaches have been encouraging athletes to take online classes for an easy grade and providing these students with access to unauthorized assistance.

6. traditional

6.1. actual stats

6.1.1. 1 Members of fraternities and sororities tend to drink more than students who do not participate in the Greek system

6.1.2. 2

7. Tools to guide students ethically and to monitor

7.1. pliagerism checker website examples

7.1.1. 1

7.1.2. 2

7.2. teaching methods examples

7.2.1. 1 Clear Explanations

7.2.2. 2 Assignment Design

8. How can we change the negatives to positives

8.1. ideas

8.1.1. 1 If you know someone is cheating let someone know

8.1.2. 2 know the school's honor code