Curricula and Instruction: Guiding Recommendations, Promising Practices

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Curricula and Instruction: Guiding Recommendations, Promising Practices da Mind Map: Curricula and Instruction: Guiding Recommendations, Promising Practices

1. An Hour of Code

1.1. This is an easy plug in that could help boost any curriculum into the 21st century.

1.1.1. Teaches students the basics of coding and how it is invovled in just about everything they do.

1.1.2. Requires that students collaborate with one another to solve coding puzzles and even create their own versions of popular apps such as flappy bird.

1.2. More codding websites

2. Use "Tech For Understanding" Principles

2.1. Science Leadership Academy

2.1.1. Project based high school focused on 21st century learning 1:1 laptop program There are no hounrs class. heterogeneously grouped Their curriculum sequence clearly gives student the freedom to explore which various subjects which helps the student avoid unconnected information that will not help them excel at their chosen path. Built on the understanding that inquiring is the first step to learning.

2.2. High Tech High

2.2.1. Curriculum that is framed around asking and answering questions and problem solving that cross academic discipline Example: In an elementary school they have students keeping track of the number of days of school. and Each they have to create math problems that equal that number of days.

3. ST Math


3.2. "Created by MIND Research Institute, ST Math is game-based instructional software for K-12 and is designed to boost math comprehension and proficiency through visual learning. Integrating with classroom instruction, ST Math incorporates the latest research in learning and the brain and promotes mastery-based learning and mathematical understanding."

3.3. I use ST In my class often. It introduces students to math concepts that are appropriate math concepts for their grade level while allowing them to progress at their own speed.

3.4. Because their are little to no directions and no words at all in the program student must participate in extreme critical thinking to solve an almost never endding group of puzzles

4. Mystery Skype

4.1. This is something I just learned about form my boss that students are doing in classrooms around the world.

4.2. "Mystery Skype is an educational game, invented by teachers, played by two classrooms on Skype. The aim of the game is to guess the location of the other classroom by asking each other questions.It's suitable for all age groups and can be used to teach subjects like geography, history, languages, mathematics and science."

4.3. How it works

4.3.1. 1) Find A Class 2) Arrange A time 3) Share Your Store