Progressive Reform

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Progressive Reform da Mind Map: Progressive Reform

1. Moral Improvement

1.1. 18th Amendment: was made as America was trying to get rid of alcohol

1.2. The Volstead Act: was made to help carry out the 18th Amendment

1.3. Muller V Oregon: a court case in which women were not allowed to work for more than ten hours and sexual discrimination was justified.

1.4. Antiquities Act:

1.5. Newlands Act: United States federal law that funded irrigation projects for the arid lands of 20 states in the American West.

1.6. Carry Nation: was a woman that was completely behind the temperance movement and the prohibition of alcohol

2. Promoting Efficiency

2.1. Referendum: a subject put ion the peoples hands in which they may want to take affect on

2.2. Direct Primary: voting for a new representative

2.3. Recall: being able to vote someone out of office if they're not doing their job

2.4. Initiative: a petition signed that will be taken into affect either directly or indirectly

3. Social Welfare

3.1. YMCA: christian foundation to keep young men off the street

3.2. Keating Owen Act:

3.3. Lincoln Steffens: launched "The Shame of the Cities. Remembered for investigating corruption in municipal government.

3.4. Pure Food & Drug Act:

3.5. Meat Inspection Act: prevents adulterated and misbranded meat and meat products from being sold as food and ensures meat (products) are slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions.

3.6. Florence Kelly: worked against sweatshops and minimum wage, eight-hour workdays and children's rights.

3.7. Jacob Riis: muckraker, photographed labor unions.

3.8. Social Gospel: Protestant Christian intellectual movement, prominent in early 20th century.

3.9. Salvation Army: social services and charitable organization.

3.10. Upton Sinclair: muckraker, exposed conditions in the US meat packing industry, causing the "Pure Food and Drug Act" and "Meat Inspection Act."

4. Economic Reform

4.1. FTC: controls trade between everyone and the united states

4.2. Ida Tarbell: exposed Rockefeller, was considered a muckraker but helped improve the economy.

4.3. 16th Amendment: gave Congress the right to levy an income tax without basing it on the US census.

4.4. Sherman & Clayton Anti-trust Act: prohibited certain business activities that federal government regulators thought to be anti-competitive, allowed them to investigate and pursue monopolies.

4.5. Federal Reserve: Central banking system of the United States

4.6. Railroad Regulations: was a set limit of how much the railroads could charge the farmers